How to Make Nervous System Changes With Hypnosis

How to Make Nervous System Changes With Hypnosis

If you suffer from rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, and a churning stomach every time that you see a specific item or smell a familiar smell, you may be a prime candidate for hypnotherapy. You can make nervous system changes with hypnosis if you work closely with a therapist.


Know that you need to change reaction to stimuli. Your emotions stimulate the autonomic nervous system, which increases "fight or flight" reactions. Stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system slows down the rate of the heart and other "fight or flight" reactions.


Understand what stimuli is causing your panic attacks, depression or other unhelpful reactions. The nervous system changes made by hypnosis can only begin if you're aware what causes them. Focus on events that stimulate your reactions. The hypnotist may be able to help you with this.


Learn to center yourself and relax, even when mentally or physically confronted with the stimuli. If you originally felt panic and were hurt when you were trapped in a room, small places or locked doors will bring about the same panic. Revisiting the scene in your mind and ultimately having a happier, more relaxed experience, stimulates the development of new receptors and responses.


Associate all smells, sounds, visions and tactile stimulation that occurred in any traumatic experience. The senses trigger response.


Remember that you don't need to physically experience something to develop fears. Sometimes hearing a story can create them. One woman had a fear of laying clothing on the bed, only to find that it came from a story by her grandmother. In her grandmother's day, bed bugs and other infestations were feared and prominent.


Know that every time you experience something, a new receptor is created, changing your nervous system.

How to Make Motherwort Tincture

How to Make Motherwort Tincture

Motherwort tincture can be taken at any stage of an adult woman's life. Its reputed uses include regulation of periods, ease of childbirth, normalizing mood swings and a host of other female problems. It can also be used by both men and women for heart and lung problems and anxiety. Making the tincture is easy if you can find Motherwort flower heads.

Things You'll Need:

Motherwort flower heads

Quart jar with lid

Vodka (any brand)

Dark or amber bottle


Gently rinse the Motherwort flowers under cold water to remove any dirt or dust particles.


Pack the flowers heads into a quart jar as tight as possible.


Fill the jar to the top with vodka. Any brand of vodka is fine; it doesn't have to be the expensive labels.


Put the lid on the jar. Label the jar with contents and
and store in a darkened cabinet for at least two months.


Drain the tincture into a dark bottle using a fine wire mesh sieve or cheesecloth before use.

Tips & Warnings

Motherwort has been used for centuries in the treatment of female conditions and ailments.

Motherwort is also known as Lion Heart, Lion's Ear and Lion's Tale: all associated with courage.

Check with any good herbal book or online to find all the uses of this wonderful plant.

If you grow your own Motherwort it can become invasive if not contained.

Before using Motherwort or any other herbal remedy, check with your health care provider. Many herbs and plants can have adverse effects with prescription drugs.

How to Make Lip Butter

How to Make Lip Butter

During the winter months and in places where the sun is bright and the winds blow strong it is quite common to end up with chapped skin. The lips are the most frequent problem areas. They chap, crack and bleed. This homemade lip butter can be made with essential oils that will also soothe your lips.

Things You'll Need:

Lip balm jars and lids

Essential oils

Beeswax pearls

Wheat germ oil

Sweet almond oil


Mix the Sweet Almond oil and Wheat Germ oil and Beeswax pellets together in a saucepan. The general rule of thumb for amounts is 2 parts Sweet Almond oil to one part Beeswax pellets and one or two drops of wheat germ oil.


Warm the mixture on the stove until the beeswax pellets are just melting. Mix all the ingredients together and stir well. Adjust the thickness of your lip butter at this point. If you want it thicker then add more beeswax pellets.


Allow the mixture to cool. While still warm, you should add a few drops of the essential oils that you wish to include in your lip butter. Mix them into the beeswax mixture and make sure that the ingredients are well mixed.


Pour the cooling mixture into the lip balm jars while the mixture is still warm enough to pour. Allow to fully cool and place the lids on the jars.

Tips & Warnings

Some essential oils that are especially helpful are: Comfrey,
, Tea Tree or Camphor Oils.

How to Make Homemade Toothpaste

How to Make Homemade Toothpaste

Want to save some money and have the satisfaction of making your own toothpaste? Well, it is just a few steps away. These simple ingredients are already stocked in most people's cabinets. You can make many variations with just a few drops of different extracts. Experiment and come up with your own variations. It is that simple!

Things You'll Need:

4 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. flavoring (vanilla, almond, cinnamon or peppermint extract)

1 tsp. water

Airtight container



Mix the baking soda and about 1/2 of the water until it is the consistency of toothpaste.


Stir in salt.


Add a few drops of the extract of your choice and mix well.


Add a little more water if too thick.

How to Make Herbal Horehound Candy

How to Make Herbal Horehound Candy

The herb horehound has been known to work effectively for a cough. You can make your own candy and/or cough drops just in time for cold and flu season.

Things You'll Need:

Candy thermometer

Pen and paper

Non-reactive large saucepan

3 cups of Horehound leaves; organic and non-sprayed

3 or more cups of water

8 cups of brown sugar

Long wooden spoon

Large, shallow cookie sheet

Butter to coat cookie sheet

Glass container with lid, for storage


Raffia or ribbon


Figure out at what temperature water boils at your altitude using the candy thermometer and write that number down for later use.


Butter a cookie sheet


Put horehound leaves into large non-reactive saucepan. Use stainless steel, ceramic or glass.


Cover leaves with water, use about 3 cups, but add a little more if needed.


Add the 8 cups of brown sugar to the pan of leaves and water and stir till it comes to a full boil. This mixture will begin to foam up.


Stir and cook the mixture till the candy thermometer reaches the correct temperature for your altitude.


Pour the hot mixture onto a large, shallow, and well buttered cookie sheet.


Let the mixture on the cookie sheet completely cool then cut into bite sized pieces.


Put pieces of candy into a sealed glass container, label and add ribbon if desired.

Tips & Warnings

Water boils at 212 degrees at sea level. Take your water boiling temp you found out earlier in step one, and subtract that number from 212. Take that result and subtract it from 292. This is the number you need to reach while boiling and stirring your candy.

Add to label the following info: that it can be used as a natural remedy for coughs; to test for allergies prior to using.

Always test for allergies before using.

Be careful using hot liquids.

How to Walk Like a Model

How to Walk Like a Model

Models have a distinctive walk that sets them apart from the rest of society. They had to learn it too, unless they are Brazilian or South American, to whom the walk tends to come naturally. You can learn this walk for the catwalk if you aspire to be a model, or just to impress friends and strangers.


Choose shoes. Break in new heels or practice with a pair you've already worn in. You can start with 2-inch heels and work your way up. Put masking tape on the bottom of the heels to prevent them from slipping while you are walking like a model.


Bring your shoulders back, and pelvic bone forward slightly to have the posture of a model. Keep your neck long, your stomach in, your butt tight and your chest out.


Place one foot in front to begin the walk, putting it directly in front of the back foot, as if you are walking a tightrope. Keep your toes facing straight ahead. When done at a normal walking pace, this gives the model the swing that you see on the catwalk.


Balance on the balls of your feet, instead of your heels. Always put the ball of your foot down first when you walk like a model.


Lengthen your normal stride by lifting your knees up a little higher when you walk and placing them out slightly more than you would normally. Let your arms swing naturally.


Focus straight ahead when you walk like a model. Your head stays still as you walk, and your chin tilts up slightly. Your fingers curl ever so slightly, making your body look relaxed.


Let your head be the last part of you that moves when you make your turnaround at the front of the catwalk (or your hallway).

Tips & Warnings

There are different types of walks that models use for shows. "Street" is when they walk strong and determined, as if down a New York City sidewalk. "Street plus a little more" is with no posing or hands on hips. It is meant to be more of a natural stride. "Versace" walk is the no-holds-barred style, with full swishing and swinging and posing.

How to walk like a catwalk model

How to walk like a catwalk model

Pounding the catwalk like a professional model isn't the easiest task in the world. Though wearing the latest fashions and walking with a little "oomph" may seem like a piece of cake, perfecting the ideal runway walk is something that requires much practice. If you want to walk like the girls on "America's Next Top Model," keep the following tips in mind.


Have a fabulous outfit and great high heels. Yes, you can learn the catwalk without wearing stilettos. But, you'll look and feel much more like a model if you practice in heels.


Find a local designer or fashion design student to work with. The more you practice in real runway shows, the closer you'll be to walking like a real model. Network, network, network. The fashion industry is all about who you know and who places you in their runway shows. Get out there and show those designers who they're working with!


Practice your catwalk strut as much as you can. Models often learn the ropes by walking with a book on top of their heads. This encourages great posture and a fierce walk down the runway. Don't worry if the book topples off of your head your first few tries. It's bound to happen. Try it this way until you can walk without it falling off.


Know the length of the catwalk when you're practicing on the runway. Models aren't supposed to look down when they're displaying fab outfits. Keeping your eye level straight ahead is a must when making your way down the catwalk.


Practice walking with one leg crossing over the other. When you walk, be sure to keep your back straight, your stomach sucked in and your head lifted up. Figure out what swagger works for you. Each model has their own pace and style of walking which can only be found through practice.


Place one hand on your hip and do a slight dip with your hips when you reach the end of the catwalk. Immediately turn and begin your walk back over the runway at a steady, but quick pace.


Train your face to work with the music; catwalk models aren't all about their walk. Some designers prefer upbeat models and music, where a sexy smile is appropriate. Most models prefer a neutral look, with their eyes and lips deadened in a way. Always keep your gaze strong, but avoid bursting into laughter or smiles throughout your walk down the catwalk.

Tips & Warnings

Talk with the designer you're working with. Know their likes, dislikes and preferences.

Never fall on the catwalk. If you do trip on a hem or in heels, brush it off. Keep your head up and don't ever start crying. The show must go on.