
Miss Universe Miss Venezuela Dayana Mendoza, 22, struggles to hold back tears as she clutches her crown and bouquet after being crowned Miss Universe 2008. This year's crown was developed by a Vietnamese company, rather than the competition's official crown designers. It's valued at $120,000, made of 18 karat white and yellow gold and is comprised of more than 1,000 precious stones, including 555 white diamonds, 375 cognac diamonds, 10 smoky quartz crystals and 19 morganite gemstones, according to a press release. The Miss Universe 2008 beauty pageant was held in the Crown Convention Center in Nha Trang, Vietnam on Sunday, July 13, 2008.

too bad youtube deletes all the good vids, people are putting

All the smart people are watching porn movies? with nude

De todos estos coches, solo 6 o 7, salen a la venta, lo demas son todo prototipos o coches que no se venden.

good vedio love the song


you blog sanovia