How to Make Motherwort Tincture

How to Make Motherwort Tincture

Motherwort tincture can be taken at any stage of an adult woman's life. Its reputed uses include regulation of periods, ease of childbirth, normalizing mood swings and a host of other female problems. It can also be used by both men and women for heart and lung problems and anxiety. Making the tincture is easy if you can find Motherwort flower heads.

Things You'll Need:

Motherwort flower heads

Quart jar with lid

Vodka (any brand)

Dark or amber bottle


Gently rinse the Motherwort flowers under cold water to remove any dirt or dust particles.


Pack the flowers heads into a quart jar as tight as possible.


Fill the jar to the top with vodka. Any brand of vodka is fine; it doesn't have to be the expensive labels.


Put the lid on the jar. Label the jar with contents and
and store in a darkened cabinet for at least two months.


Drain the tincture into a dark bottle using a fine wire mesh sieve or cheesecloth before use.

Tips & Warnings

Motherwort has been used for centuries in the treatment of female conditions and ailments.

Motherwort is also known as Lion Heart, Lion's Ear and Lion's Tale: all associated with courage.

Check with any good herbal book or online to find all the uses of this wonderful plant.

If you grow your own Motherwort it can become invasive if not contained.

Before using Motherwort or any other herbal remedy, check with your health care provider. Many herbs and plants can have adverse effects with prescription drugs.