How to Walk in High Heeled Sandals

How to Walk in High Heeled Sandals

Even if you have a few pairs of heels in your closet, walking in your first pair if high heel


can leave you feeling like you lack balance and grace. High heel sandals pose a different challenge than pumps and boots because your foot feels less supported. With the right fit and a little practice, though, you can wear your sandals like a pro.


Look for high-heeled sandals with an ankle strap or another system of straps that attaches the shoe snugly to your foot. You can also look for sandals with a heel cap, or a piece that fits snugly against the back of your heel, holding the shoe in place.


Try on a variety of high-heeled sandals to find a pair that fits your foot. Put on both shoes and stand, moving weight from one foot to the other. Watch especially for your toes getting cramped or cut into by the toe straps, a large gap between your sole and the shoe bed when you lift your foot, and any discomfort or constriction around your ankle.


Attach your sandals snugly to your feet before you walk. A tighter setting is better than a looser setting on the straps, but your feet and ankles shouldn't feel constrained and should feel comfortable.


Balance on both feet, using your whole foot rather than trying to stay on the ball of your foot. Find your whole foot by consciously moving your weight to the ball of your foot and then to your heel. When you can do this easily, distribute your weight evenly between the ball and the heel. Balance on one foot, using the same method, once you can balance on 2 feet.


Walk by putting your heel down first, and then rolling the rest of the foot onto the ground. Push off with the ball of your foot to take another step, landing heel first.


Start with small steps on a flat surface to master the basic walk, then take larger steps until you can walk easily. When you're comfortable with normal-sized steps and speed, take your walk outside to tackle different types of terrain. A walk around the block provides different challenges than a walk in your living room.


Hold on to handrails when you go up and down steps, and keep your torso vertical rather than leaning forward or back. The basic walk is the same, but when you're first learning to walk in high heel sandals, keeping balance going up and down steps is more difficult.

Tips & Warnings

Set your heel down gently when you're learning to walk in your high-heeled sandals. If you put your heel down with too much force, you cause stress to your leg and foot, and you can damage the heels of your shoes.

Don't buy your first pair of high-heeled sandals over the Internet or through a catalog. You need to try on the sandals to make sure they fit correctly. Once you know the type of fit that works for you, you can then buy shoes without trying them on.